I decided that today's post is going to be about my first obsession (the first musical obsession, that of usually a lead singer in a band that I usually get obsessed with). The very first band that I called my own was The Verve way back when I was about eleven years old. Once I heard their song "bittersweet symphony" on the radio I had to learn more, thus a journey into collecting all their cds, and any books/information about them had to be found. I became so enraptured with this group, i even got my best friend into them and we went to one of our first concerts together (Verve was not my first show, Radiohead was numero uno when I was 10, and one day maybe we can talk about how gorgeous Johnny Greenwood is too!), and saw The Verve live in LA right before they broke up (Nick McCabe the lead guitarist was not present unfortunately). We were probably the youngest kids their, just fifth graders! I still have the tshirt i got that night and I still wear it on occasion. Anyways, my first musical crush was Richard Ashcroft - lead singer of The Verve. I thought he was beautiful, so tall, skinny, shaggy hair, sunken in cheek bones, big lips, and he had this mysterious and arrogant thing about him that I couldn't even understand. He was also a snappy dresser, and still is. I remember once writing a secret letter to him with all my wishes of us together and then I rolled it up and stuck it in this neat little antique genie bottle in the hopes that it would come true one day...ha ha. Of course none of that was ever going to happen, but a little girl can dream you know. When I heard they broke up shortly after seeing them, I was so devastated. A few years passed by and Richard came out with a few notable solo albums, but nothing ever as good as the verve. In 2007 rumours came around that my band was going to reunite, and I was ecstatic, the album turned out to be okay, but I didn't care, I was so happy they were back together! And Richard still looks as beautiful as ever! Anwyhooo, this is my story of my first obsession, maybe I'll continue this saga with a story about Damon Albarn of Blur (my next musical obsession) and then I'll segway into real life about some of my first real crushes....More eye candy below, for me anyway...

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