I can barely remember the first time I ever saw Bowie, I was like four or five and it was on tv. They were playing one of those old interview shows like Dick Cavett or something and their he was, in a powder blue suit shaking like a madman (the heavy drug use), and had a cane in his hand. I was fascinated by this strange looking creature, I had never witnessed anyone to look like this until that moment. Bowie's music and I have a strong bond, when I was 13 I became heavily obsessed with everything Bowie, I watched Cracked Actor and Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars documentaries millions of times to get ideas from his wardrobe. I think Bowie is pretty much number one in my favorite musical artists list, every album is amazing and c'mon he's a fucking ever changing soul! I dislike to use the word Chameleon because it really doesn't describe him accurately as a Chameleon is all about blending in with their surroundings, Bowie definitely doesn't do this. My aunt and my mom were definitley great influences on my musical tastes and my aunt is a huge Bowie fan and saw him in the late 70s and 80s live (my mom saw him once). They surely helped me to get into some of his rareities. When I was about 19, I finally rented The Man who Fell to Earth (it was a Bowie film that I had been wanting to see ever since I was 13, but it was hard to find). I was completely blown away by his look here, the striking red hair (with the gold in the middle), the painfully thin body, the coats and aviators. This man screams sexy, (at least to me, as I find uniqueness and individuality to be very sexy). His Thin white duke days are one of the most stylish to me, those exaggerated 40s suits, and his soul image coked out of his mind. But really, all of his looks are incredibly unique and glamorous. The image he creates with his music is genius and I take great inspiration from this. I remember being 14 hanging in my room late at night and listening to Rebel, Rebel off the Diamond Dogs LP, and I got all glammed up to the music. Red lips, teased hair, black glittery shorts (lol), high heels and a blouse and just put attitude into the whole thing. I still get inspired and dress to the music I listen to, each thing is always new and different and I try to create looks that reflect that. I remember a male friend of mine in high school telling me that he loved that I didn't wear the same thing everyday and it was true because I really didn't. This is why I love Bowie so much, he is my male fashion icon. And I think it's about time I reinvent myself. Love on ya!
"You can't go on stage and live - it's false all the way...I can't stand the premise of going on in jeans and a guitar and looking as real as you can in front of 18,000 people. I mean, it's not normal!" --David Bowie--

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