For a brief period of my life I was a big Sex Pistols fan, I was 13 and just about beginning to explore 70s punk. I'm a little weird about this band now, it's a nostalgic thing and nothing more. But pil is a little more mysterious to me, Lydon's post pistols act. My dad was the one who was really into them, and I came across this cd "Flowers of Romance" probably when I was about 10, but never listened to it until about six months ago. My mom has a funny story about my dad and this band. She remembers being over at my dad's house when they were probably about only 19 or 20 and my dad had this PiL shirt on and I guess one of his parent's uber christian friends thought that the shirt stood for "praise the lord," haha...guess he couldn't see very well. Anyways, there's something about this album cover that really gets me, I'm loving it. This image of that girl, the wildness, I like. I want to transpose that and the music itself into something wearable. If you haven't listened to this album before I recommend it, I really like the track 'banging the door' so therefore I'm going to post it to give you a glimpse...
Right, nice Album!